Harbour for the Arts

A Bold New Opera and Living Frugally as a Performing Artist

Episode Summary

n this episode, we explore the Santa Fe Opera's groundbreaking production of The Righteous, a new opera by composer Gregory Spears and librettist Tracy K. Smith. This ambitious work tackles the complex interplay between religious faith and political power in the 1980s, set against the backdrop of significant social and political changes. We'll delve into how The Righteous captures the stark ideological divides of that era and draws parallels to today's societal landscape. Join us as we discuss the opera's themes, its characters' moral dilemmas, and the powerful performances that bring this story to life on stage. Additionally, we'll offer practical tips for performing artists on how to live frugally while pursuing their passions. From budgeting strategies and affordable housing options to finding cost-effective resources for honing your craft, we'll provide insights to help you thrive artistically and financially. Whether you're an opera singer, actor, or musician, learn how to navigate the challenges of the performing arts world without breaking the bank. Tune in for an insightful conversation that blends the artistic brilliance of The Righteous with valuable advice for living sustainably as a performing artist.

Episode Notes

Host Bri Cooper, Mezzo Soprano

Sponsor of Episode THRIVE MARKET 

Sante Fe Opera's The Righteous

The Art of Living Frugally as a Performing Artist